.The Matrix, a natural 3D biological tissue which resembles gauze, is made from a material in human umbilical cords called Wharton’s Jelly, which is decellularized and bioengineered to attract and isolate cancer cells from a patient’s blood sample.
Once in the Matrix, doctors can safely test a range of cancer treatments in the lab and identify the ones that are fully effective in treating, and hopefully curing, leukemia patients.
“As an oncologist who makes treatment decisions every day, the ability to test all the therapies and options and create a treatment plan in the lab – before I administer it to my patient – will be a major improvement,” says Dr. Aljitawi.
“Oncologists already have a number of readily available therapies to treat most cancers,” says Sanatela Founder and Professor Michael Crowley, “but the challenge has always been to figure out which of the many treatment options will potentially not only target, but will also kill all of the cancer stem cells. Our new Matrix product takes the guesswork out of it.”
Sanatela has partnered with a CMO in a 2,000 square foot ISO clean room space in Fairport, NY. They have successfully worked together to ramp up production of the Sanatela Matrix. Product will soon be available for external research, clinical trials and expanded access submissions.

Leukemia cells adhering to the Matrix in vitro.